Famous Singer Helps Jewish Women Get Divorce Certificates


Shira Koenig was a typical high school girl with a voice from the heavens, in 2013.  Back then, Koenig and her friends designed a school project, to help people in need. They recorded a CD and, soon after, Koenig’s music became a big hit for Jewish girls all over the world.  The money went towards Jewish organizations in need of support.

Today, Koenig is a famous singer, who is popular among Jewish women. These days, she’s taken on another cause to help Jewish women get a divorce.

   “I was never scared of the men who were the husbands of these women because I knew the women were never going to live properly, which broke my heart,” said Koenig, 26 .“It was worth putting my life on the line.” Koenig has been threatened multiple times, and in a recent protest, Koenig’s pictures were posted by men who weren’t giving a Jewish divorce because she has been helping Jewish women obtain the divorce certificate.

The elusive “Get”

Koenig helps women obtain a “get,” a Jewish certificate stating that the couple has officially been divorced by Jewish law.  Under Jewish law, a man needs to give the woman a “get,” to finalize their divorce, and without a Jewish divorce certificate, the couple remains married.

Many Jewish men don’t give the “get,” therefore not allowing their wives to be free, have freedom, and marry someone else, according to Jewish law. Some men have not given “gets” to their wives for years, keeping the women stuck in unhappy marriages.

Many Jewish women divorce for verbal or emotional abuse, at a rate of 50% of marriages, according to Rachel First in the article in Jewish Action. 

( Getyourget.com/More on the definition of a “get”)  A “get,” is a legal Jewish divorce document.  This document annuls the marriage under Jewish law with any Rabbi present to officiate it. In order for the “get,” to be given, it requires mutual consent from both the husband and the wife. Although, in many circumstances, the husband doesn’t want to give the wife the “get,” making her still bound to him.

Koenig uses her celebrity to help other Jewish women

This is where Koenig comes in. She herself was divorced at 24, a really young age.  She heard many stories of Jewish married women who are going through the same difficult situation, and she wanted to help and make a difference.

“My marriage fell apart because he wasn’t treating me in the correct way,” said  Koenig. “It was a hard situation to get out of.”  Koenig spoke to a local Rabbi in Dallas, Texas and she explained to him that she wanted to get her “gett.” After a few tries, Nuchem, her then-husband, wasn’t responding and did not want to give her the “get.” She then got pictures of him and plastered them on the walls of the synagogue in her community to pressure him to give her a “get.” A few weeks later, he gave her the Jewish divorce.

Koenig then started to help other Jewish women seek divorce certificates. She has a big fan base, which allowed her to make a difference. When she publicized these women’s difficulties, it gave her the ability to help them get out of a bad marriage. The problems she talks about are controversial, but it makes her so famous in the Jewish communities all over.

Many of her strategies have worked in getting women their “gets” and many women, because of her, are in the process of receiving them. Many of her tactics include putting pictures of the men, who don’t give out “gets”, in public places like billboards, Jewish magazines, and newspapers, and many photos have been put up in local synagogues.  When husbands won’t give them the “get”, they go to Rabbis, who tell the women to go to Koenig. Koenig and the Rabbi(s) work together to get people to talk to the husbands so they can reason with them to give out the “get.”

“I began to hear these stories of women who went through the same thing I did, and I wanted to do something about it,” Koenig said. “My mom and I thought closely of what we can do to help them, and we thought the billboard idea was the best one.”

For instance, there is one example where the woman’s husband didn’t give his wife a “get” for 15 plus years, and Koenig decided to help her.

In one case, Koenig posted a picture of the husband on a billboard in their Jewish community in Monsey,  New York, and wrote on it, “Let him give her a “get”  and another that read, “This man has not given his “get” for many years, please put a stop to it.”

Using her influence

Koenig creates songs with Hebrew words in them, which has made her a very famous Jewish vocalist. Some of the song titles are called, “Lecha Dodi,” and “Modeh Ani,” and many more. Due to this popularity, when Koenig does something, it catches on fire and becomes very widespread.

“I always loved music, it makes me feel better, and I love to inspire people,” said Koenig. “It all began when I was in high school, when my friends and I made these CDs with songs we put together, it was one of the best times of my life.”

Koenig has a huge Instagram platform, with 16k followers and reports about these women who are trying vigorously to obtain a Jewish divorce. Her popularity pushes the Rabbi to help officiate the divorce between the man and the woman. The Rabbi is needed to finalize the divorce.

The women Koenig saved

Shayna Lebovitz, 42 and has been waiting since she was 31 to receive her Jewish divorce. Koenig has helped her by putting a picture of her then soon-to-be ex-husband on a billboard with the words”this man has not yet given his wife a “get,” please help her get a “get?” She is now freed from her ex-husband because of Koenig’s efforts.

“I heard all about Shira’s help, but I didn’t know if she can do it, and get me my “get,” but she did it and I have never felt better,” said  Leibovitz. “I owe her my life.

Related link: In Orthodox Jewish Divorce, Men Hold All the Card

Noami Katzenson, 33, was married since she was 22, and has four kids. Koenig has rallied for her for a year, and Katzenson is now in the process of getting her Jewish divorce certificate.

“I didn’t know if I should contact the police or get help from a support group. I was in a bind,” said Katzenson.” “Then I talked to Koenig, and all of my problems seemed so small, and the end of the nightmare seemed real.”

Lisa Weiss, 61, has been married to her husband, Robbie,  for many long years.   They’ve been through everything together: marrying off their children, and having lots and lots of grandchildren.

After her final daughter got married, she decided that her marriage was finished. She was in a loveless marriage for too long.

After a few months of trying to get a “get,” Koenig stepped in and Lisa finally received the “get,” within a year.  This is because Koenig posted a picture of Lisa’s then-husband on social media, and it has then gained a lot of recognition. She also got Rabbi Gotlieb from Monroe, New York involved, who got many men involved to talk and pressure her then-husband.

“I have been married for so long to a person who has hurt me in and out, and it wasn’t good,” said Weiss. “Although, I can say I am a free woman, and I have grandchildren who can see me happy and in a better condition.”

Related Link: Chained Women: The Jewish Wives being held hostage in abusive marriages 

A Rabbi’s perspective 

Rabbi Nueman has been a Rabbi for years, and he is known to try to help the Jewish community as much as possible. He is a Rabbi to the people living in Staten Island, and the people really love being around him and listen to him. Many Jewish women specifically go to him to assist in helping to get their “get.” They know he is a dedicated person, and that he can help them out of their predicament.

Women like Katzenson go to Rabbi Nueman, and he is thankful that he can help many.

“I really tried to help Noami, and I heard about Shira, and I decided maybe she could do something,” said Rabbi Chaim Nueman.

Rabbi Shneur Horowitz is another Rabbi who has taken it upon himself to help women who are in need of a “get”. Koenig and he work together to help women obtain it. They talk to men who they think are persuasive, so they can persuade and beg these husbands to give these desperate women freedom. He has done everything he can in his power to aid them.

“I tried everything I could to help her get it,” said Horowitz. “Although, when Koenig came into the picture, it looked there was hope.”

Women still wait

Lorna has tried to escape her marriage of 18 years and still counting. She hasn’t been freed from her marriage yet, but she is still along her way, and since Koenig became part of the picture, the prospects of her getting a Jewish divorce look extremely good.

“My children and I are both in the same boat, we are going through this path of getting my divorce together,” said Lorna Davidson. “They want to see me be happy, and I want them to feel good and to know that I am okay.”

Koenig has a huge impact on the Jewish community, there is no denying that what she does is not easy, but she gets it done.

“I have a lot of impact on many women that I have met who have struggled for their lives,” said Koenig. ” I am so lucky to have been there for them and to help them out of their unfortunate situations, and I will not stop helping, I can do so much good.”

Related Link: Getting divorced in the pandemic is complicated. For Orthodox Jewish women, there’s an additional obstacle. 

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