Repeal of Obamacare Jeopardize Planned Parenthood


College student Kathryn Johnston believes that all men and women are entitled to the services provided by Planned Parenthood. Photo: Dan Evans

   President Trump’s move to repeal the Affordable Care Act in an eventual effort to replace it with another program has millions of Americans concerned about future funding for Planned Parenthood services.

 In an article published in the Chicago Tribune, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan has stated in published reports that the Planned Parenthood organization would be receiving a drastic decrease in funding in an effort to repeal the bills set into law by Barack Obama. If funding for Planned Parenthood is slashed, women will be losing the access to essential health resources at an affordable cost.

“I personally don’t think a man should be making a decision that may adversely affect so many women,” said  college sophomore Kathryn Johnston. “Everyone has different reasons behind each decision they make and we need to respect that regardless if we agree with it or not.”

According to the Chicago Tribune the proposed slash in funding is estimated to be around $400 million. As a result of this, over 400,000 women would be unable to receive the services that they need.

Gorsuch’s Divergent Views

A driving force behind the rage that many Americans are expressing over the issue of Planned Parenthood stems from President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, Neil Gorsuch. Judge Gorsuch does not have the most progressive views when it comes to issues such as woman’s rights and their access to the type of healthcare that Planned Parenthood provides. According to their website, there are 26 healthcare centers in New Jersey that provide Planned Parenthood services to all different types of people. Gorsuch would have little problem cutting the funds that allow these 26 centers to operate.

There are many different angles to this Planned Parenthood debate, however. There have been many voiced concerns regarding special circumstances such as abortions as a result of rape. Many are worried that it will be come increasingly more difficult for victims of rape and abuse to receive the services they need.

Not Just an Abortion Clinic

“Planned Parenthood isn’t just an abortion clinic,” said college junior Katie Finnegan. “People only seem to think about the fact that Planned Parenthood centers perform abortions.”

Finnegan brought up a concern that many others also share. Planned Parenthood centers provide many other services besides abortions. The services that Planned Parenthood provide include: annual exams, STD screenings, emergency contraceptives, HIV/AIDS testing and counseling, as well as a variety of men’s services.

Many believe that this misconception comes about by the lack of information obtained about the program by those who are strictly pro life. In 2014 a breakdown of Planned Parenthood services was illustrated in an article published by CNN. In this report, Planned Parenthood stated that abortions made up  3 percent of the numerous services that they have to offer. The organization also does their part in educating young people about safe sex, as Planned Parenthood states that they educate around 1.5 million people every year.

According to the website of Planned Parenthood, 2.5 million men and women annually visit a center. “I think that the fact that 400,000 of those 2.5 million won’t be able to receive the resources they need is absolutely unacceptable,” said Johnston. “I understand that some aspects of the Affordable Care Act do not align with the beliefs of the new administration, however, I feel that some things are sacred and shouldn’t be messed with, and Planned Parenthood is definitely one of those things.”

1 Comment

  1. Great use of AP Style, I feel I have had all my questions asked while reading the article. The point of views and statistics really encapsulated what I believe this story was about.

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