Reusable Bags

The term “reusable bag” has become an important topic in the ban on plastic bags, but what exactly defines what is or what isn’t reusable. The definition for a reusable bag means that it has been manufactured specifically for multiple uses and meets requirements. It is made out of cloth or other machine washable fabric, and/or made out of some sort of durable plastic that is at least 2.25 mils. Also, the bag must have the word “Reusable” on either side in lettering that is at least one inch in height. The bag must also have a minimum lifetime of 125 uses, which means the capability of carrying a minimum of 22 pounds, 125 times over a distance of at least 175 feet.

Reusable bags carry an insanely large amount of cargo. You can pack it to the brim and it will fit so much more than an unreliable plastic bag. By using Reusable bags you can limit the amount of trips you take to your car with your groceries. Why take 20 plastic bags when you can have 2-3 large reusable bags?

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Reusable bags are also very good because you don’t necessarily have to go out and buy them. You can use your back pack, or any bag you may have laying around your house! They will not spill! Imagine stuffing a plastic bag so much that everything spills out and goes to waste. This will not happen with a Reusable Bag. And in the end you are benefiting your environment. It’s not hard to do, it’s very easy! If you haven’t already, make the change now to reusable bags.

By Devon Gohde, Aziah Newcombe,Steven Henrici, Nick Natale


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