The Thrifty Guide To Valentine’s Day


It happened again — while you were staring at the $3 left in your bank account that the Christmas holiday likely left you, Valentine’s Day snuck up once again only to rob what little you had left.

According to Business Insider, Americans are projected to spend a record-breaking $20.7 billion on Valentine’s Day in 2019.

Demonstrating your love has never been pricier — but instead of mortgaging your house to afford diamond earrings and five-star dinners, consider making this  Valentine’s Day a thrifty one. 

Love Coupons 

Love Coupon ideas Photo/Google Images

Being thrifty on Valentine’s Day, or really any holiday is going to involve you getting in touch with your creative side — enter the love coupon. To most, love coupons can seem like tacky little sheets of paper you pick up at Hobby Lobby, but in the hands of an artist, or anyone with a little humor and wit, they can melt hearts while saving bucks.

Some easy ones to include are breakfast in bed, an offer to complete any mundane household chores and if you want to get frisky, one long sensual foot massage. But, if you’re looking to break out of your comfort zone or just surprise her with some quality date ideas, here are some great ones:

  • Spend an evening stargazing
  • Recreate your first dinner date
  • Wake up to watch the sunrise (Always a winner)
  • Spend an afternoon cuddling or perhaps one whole day cuddling
  • And the always popular — romantic bubble bath for two

It’s pretty easy to come up with good ideas once you get the hang of it and they sell blank versions of love coupons for cheap so get on it! Oh, and important side note, it pays off to draw a bit on each one (Even if you suck) — you know, for that extra touch of finesse.


Regardless of where your artistic talents are at, this is one gift that is sure to lift her/him off their feet. If you have a guitar lying around or any other romantically-related instrument it’s actually fairly easy to pick-up a song — in-fact here’s a list of easy-to-learn songs for Valentine’s Day. Sure it’s not going to be easy, but if you put in the practice you’ll be surprised at what you can pull off.

But if you’re intimidated at the thought of having to learn a song in a few days there’s always poetry. And while poetry might seem cheesy at first remember that this form of flattery has been scoring since before Jesus was even born. It’s a proven form of flattery; well, that is if you’re good with words, but when it comes to your significant other, that really shouldn’t be too hard.

Poetry is emotion; and no one else in the world should invoke as many emotions as your better half. Think about how they make you feel and translate those feelings to words the best you can. If you are having trouble articulating those feelings, as many do, this can usually help out.

Don’t Let The Money Get You Down

Yeah it’s a bit cheesy, but don’t let money hold you back from enjoying a day that’s reserved for the special love you share with your partner. Whether you’re sharing a Mc-Pick 2 from McDonalds or exchanging dollar-store cards, just make sure to enjoy your special day. CBS News correspondent for CBS News Sunday Morning, Tracy Smith put it best:

“I wanted to make it really special on Valentine’s Day, so I tied my boyfriend up. And for three solid hours, I watched whatever I wanted on TV.” And that friends, is what it’s all about ;).

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