Life in the age of COVID-19: What 2022 Has In Store


Since 2020, the Coronavirus pandemic has been a huge part of our lives for two years. We’ve suffered tragic losses, businesses being shut down, jobs lost, and adjusting to a new way of life. As we come upon two years of being in a global pandemic and learn more about the virus each day, the more comfortable, we are with this in our lives. So far, 2022 has brought us many things and presented us with dilemmas we must face every day. One of these choices is whether mask mandates should still exist in this country. As early as February, mask mandates had started to be lifted in each state, and in March, all 50 states lifted the rule that had been in effect to protect us all. Many citizens have expressed either their joy or shame in their state legislators for making such a drastic decision so early into the year. On top of that, protests in schools or businesses for still requiring masks have become the new normal as we transition to summer weather.  As a new variant lies ahead, Omicron XE, time will only tell as to what will happen next in terms of safety protocols and mask mandates in place.

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